Friday, September 14, 2007

Introduction--Little People, Big Values

This is actually not my first blog: I had to set one up last spring for a class I took on web design. I think blogging is fun, even if nobody reads it. I've decided I will use my blog to discuss books I've read and liked (and boy, are there a lot of them!). This morning I read "Little People, Big Values" by the Roloff family. If you've ever seen them on TLC, you know they are the family of mixed average/little people: the parents and one of the four children are little people, the other three kids are average size. It was a nice little book (170 pages, I think) detailing why they believe in 11 core family values and how their beliefs have helped shape the success of their family. It was uplifting, and reminded me how lucky I am to be healthy and happy, and not to take things like that for granted. I think everyone needs a reminder now and again.

1 comment:

RK said...

Welcome (back) to the blogosphere!