"The Book: the Life Story of Technology" by Nicole Howard was yet another book for school, but it was short (150 pages or so, compared to around 400 for the others) and concise, which I liked. It just briefly touched on the high points of how the book was made, starting with the papyrus roll up to e-books (I'm dying to get my hands on a Kindle--I just want to see how it works!).
"Manning" by Archie and Peyton Manning was about a football family dynasty. I miss football. It's been gone almost three weeks now! Anyway, this was a great book. Archie was a quarterback for the New Orleans Saints back in the 70s and early 80s, and while he was a good player (my dad actually thinks he was better than Peyton or Eli, but I wouldn't go that far!) the Saints weren't a great team and he ended up never having a winning season or going to the Super Bowl, something both of his sons have now done. The book was written in 2000, when Eli first started college at Ole Miss, and Peyton had just finished his second season with the Colts, so it begs to be updated. It sounds like Archie and Olivia Manning were great parents, and they raised three great and highly talented kids. I can't wait to see where the Manning boys end up in football history. They've both shown how great they are, and I think Eli will just keep getting better. Brett will always be my guy, but I do love to watch those Manning boys play. I can't wait for August!
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