"The Runaway Dolls" by Ann M. Martin is the third in her children's series on the dolls that are alive and have lots of adventures when the humans aren't looking. They're pretty cute, and this one was fun, if a bit long. If I were ten I would have loved it. I'll probably read it again someday; once in awhile I'm in the mood for nostalgia.
"Masquerade" by Melissa de la Cruz is her second in the Blue Bloods series, about the snobby teen vampires in New York. It was pretty good; I enjoyed it. To be honest, all I really want to do is reread "Twilight", but since I just reread it two weeks ago, I'm using all my strength not to do it again and so I thought it might help if I read something somewhat similiar. It didn't, but I tried. I'll probably read this one again.
1 comment:
I haven't read either of these but they both sound good. Thanks for the recommendations. I'll add them to ever-growing "to read" list!
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