Friday, February 6, 2015

Year of Reading Dangerously; Sons of Anarchy: Bratva; The Rosie Effect

Andy Miller's "The Year of Reading Dangerously" was fun, it made me laugh out loud. Miller was always a big reader, but after having a child he found he was reading less and less for the pure pleasure of it. He decided to spend a year reading some books he'd always meant to, books he had often lied about reading. He chose some interesting ones, that's for sure. Some are on my permanent "to read" list. One day I'll get to it :)

I'm a big fan of the show "Sons of Anarchy" (although the series finale--yeesh). I wasn't expecting much, these books written about TV shows or movies are rarely terribly good. It wasn't bad. Trinity, Jax's half-sister has gotten involved in a Russian Bratva, or brotherhood. Maureen calls from Ireland to ask Jax to send her home, so he goes off to Nevada to look for him. Oleg, the Russian guy, is involved in a gun running scheme and there's all sorts of shoot outs and other nastiness.

Grame Simsion's "The Rosie Project" was such an adorable book, I couldn't wait to read the sequel, "The Rosie Effect". Rosie and Don are living in New York, Don is teaching at Columbia and Rosie is getting her MD and PhD there, when she learns she is pregnant. Through a series of hilarious misunderstandings due to Don's lack of understanding social cues, Rosie determines Don is not going to be a good father and decides to move back to Australia. Don doesn't want her to go, but he agrees with her that he probably wouldn't be a great dad. Luckily they have a good group of friends who are able to make them both realize just how good Don will be as a dad, and that they belong together. It was very sweet.

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