After watching "The Long, Hot Summer" the other night for the umpteenth time (I love that movie--Paul Newman and William Faulkner, what more could you ever want?) I was reminded of this book that Newman and his partner, A. E. Hotchner, wrote about their business, Newman's Own. It's been on my "to read" list since 2009, and I thought it was high time to finally get around to it. It started of course as a lark: Paul used to bottle his homemade salad dressing for friends and he decided to try his hand at selling it and turning the profits over to charity. It was a fun, quick read and I enjoyed it. Just for the heck of it, when I went to the grocery store today I looked at the bottles of Newman's Own salad dressing and was saddened to see how many preservatives and chemicals were in it, after he and Hotchner fought so hard to keep their products all natural and chemical free for so long. I'm sure it's much more expensive and time consuming, and the company must have made the decision to go the cheaper, easier route, it's just sad they couldn't stick with the vision the way Newman wanted it. Oh well.
Fun fact apropos of nothing: the character of Aaron Hotchner on "Criminal Minds" was named for A. E. Hotchner.
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