Mayor Bascomb's wife, Stephanie, is planning a fundraiser and hires the Cookie Jar to provide refreshments. Hannah once again is tapped to help Herb with his magic show, and much to her chagrin Bradford Ramsey is MC'ing the event. Bradford seduced Hannah's little sister, Michelle, too and Hannah is hopping mad. So when she finds his dead body...needless to say she's not too sad, and tells Mike honestly that she wished him dead and explains why. Mike was actually kind of sweet in this book (he needed to make up for the Cream Puff Murder, when he was dragging her out of bed at all hours of the night). Norman is acting strangely, though, and when he returns from his business trip he has a new partner for his dental practice: his former fiancee, Beverly. Uh oh.
I defy anyone to read Bruno's book and not cry at least once. I wept through most of it.
A little backstory: a few years ago, I ran a successful cooking series at the library where I work. Local chefs would come and demo some recipes and the people who attended would get to sample their food. Not long after Bruno won CNN's Hero of the Year award, I got in touch with the Anaheim White House Restaurant and invited them to come and do a demo for our program. I thought what Chef Bruno was doing, dishing up thousands of meals to hungry kids every night, was such a wonderful cause I wanted to help spread the word. While Chef Bruno himself wasn't able to make the event, several of his chefs did, and they were kind and gracious, a joy to work with. Chef Bruno started serving meals to motel kids back in 2005, when he took his mother to a local boys and girls club while she was in town visiting from Italy. When they realized that some of the kids were hungry and weren't going to get to eat dinner that night, Mamma Caterina told Bruno to go back to his restaurant and make the kids some pasta. So he did, and kept on doing it.
Last February, the Anaheim White House Restaurant burned down. Chef Bruno's first thought was where was he going to cook for the kids? And what about his crew, he didn't want them to lose their homes because they were out of a job. Luckily, Chef Bruno has many friends who have helped out, and the last I heard, the restaurant is slated to reopen next month. We need more Chef Brunos in this world.
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