Thursday, October 19, 2023

Dark Reunion


This cover is so hysterical. It looks like she has four eyes and a growth out of the side of her head. 

It was told from Bonnie's point of view, since Elena is dead. The vampire that made Katherine, Klaus, is one of the "Originals": someone who was born a vampire and didn't have to die in order to be one. Bonnie, Meredith, and Matt summon Stefan to come back and help them after Bonnie has a dream where Elena warns her something bad is coming and to summon help (they surmise Elena was talking about Stefan, I thought Damon, because he drinks human blood and is therefore stronger than his wimpy, whiny little brother). Both brothers show up, so there's that. Everyone is mean to Damon, which ticked me off. 

They end up defeating Klaus with some help from "unquiet spirits" and then Elena comes back to life. Yawn. 

Apparently Smith sold the rights to the characters when she made the deal with the publisher, so the books continue, written by other writers, but I'm over it. Say what you will about Stephenie Meyer--at least she knew how to give the audience what they wanted. Oh well. I still have the show, which is much more entertaining. 

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