I loved "Married...with Children". I watched it when it first aired when I was a kid with my dad, who really loved it. Rewatching it as an adult I realize how much of the raunchy humor went over my 10 year old head, but I found it to still be absolutely hilarious.
It's hard to remember a time when there were really only three major channels with some local programming. A brand new network was a big deal. Fox launched with "Married...with Children" as its flagship series. It wasn't an instant hit, but since Fox didn't have anything else going for it, they kept it on the air. Ironically, an irate woman in Michigan who protested the show and threatened to boycott the sponsors helped launch its success. People tuned it after hearing the outcry and found it funny, so they kept watching. I attended a sub-par, Christian in name only private elementary school, and one day our teacher had us write protest letters to Fox regarding "Married...with Children". She wanted us to put how disgusting and inappropriate it was and how we would boycott all the sponsors. Since I loved it (none of my other classmates were allowed to watch it, so they didn't know), I instead wrote a glowing letter telling Fox how great it was and hoped it would stay on the air forever. My teacher was not thrilled, but hey, it's still America, last time I checked. If you don't like the show, change the station. If you don't like the book, put it down and get a different one. But you can't take away other peoples' rights to watch/listen/read whatever they want. Can you tell this is a topic I'm pretty passionate about, especially with all that's going on in libraries right now? 😊
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