Monday, August 21, 2023

Danzig Passage


Danzig used to be a free city-state on the shore of the Baltic that was part of Germany before WWI. We are introduced to some new characters, like Lucy Strasburg. Lucy is dreaming of marrying dashing S.S. officer Wolf now that she's pregnant with his baby, and realizes her naiveté when he laughs and tells her he already is married. He and his wife have three daughters, so he's hoping for a boy for the Reich. Lucy is determined to keep her baby. Otto is shielding the family of dissent Michael Wallich in his apartment when Wolf and Lucy pay him a surprise visit. Wolf gets Otto arrested, and Otto takes cyanide before he can be interrogated. Poor Otto. Lucy's warning saves the Wallich family, and she escapes with eldest son Peter and the baby, Willie, to Danzig. 

Meanwhile, Anna's sister Helen is arrested in Berlin, along with her husband, Pastor Karl Isben. Their children, Lori and Jamie, hide out in a church, along with two Jewish children they grew up with, Jacob and Mark. Together with a young man named Alfie, who is developmentally disabled and managed to escape from the hospital before he could be euthanatized, manage to make their way to Danzig too. But with Hitler breathing down Poland's neck, how long will Danzig be safe? 

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