Normally I get the Walking Dead in a big book that I borrow from a friend, but he didn't offer this time around, so I'm checking them out volume by volume. I think I missed number #12, but it could be so long since I've read the previous ones I just don't remember. Either way, Robert Kirkman's series continues with Rick and the gang making some inroads at the community they have taken up with. The wall is threatened by a large zombie hoard, which manages to penetrate it with dire consequences, and Rick plays the good guy to save a woman and child from her abusive husband with not so dire but not so awesome consequences. There's a bit of a wait for vol. 15, so I'll just have to try not to lose my thread.
"Fables Vol. 16: Super Team" by Bill Willingham finds the fables gearing up to take one last final stand against Mister Dark. They are starting to despair being able to trap him for good. North Wind, Bigby's father, finds out about the existence of Bigby and Snow's seventh child, a zephyr, and tells Bigby that he must kill him as he's sworn to do long ago. North Wind is torn by his love for his grandchildren and his desire to keep his promise. So he does the only thing he can do: he traps himself and Mister Dark away for good. Well...didn't see that one coming. I wonder how much longer they are going to go with this. Seems like it's run its course, but maybe that's just me.
Tucker Max is hilarious, and I was looking forward to "Hilarity Ensues", mostly for his tales of vacationing in Cancun for six weeks while attending law school, the reason now that most law schools require instructors to take attendance. We also got the full Miss Vermont story, about how a former hook up tried to sue him and shut down his website after he posted about her and used her real name. Bravo to Tucker for not backing down and standing up for his rights! It was a great story. I also enjoyed hearing about his time spent on the crab catching boat from TV's "Deadliest Catch" (which I've never seen). He finishes up with stories of his best friends' bachelor parties and weddings while seeming slightly wistful that he's never been married. He ends by saying he's done writing these types of memoirs because he no longer lives that sort of lifestyle. I have to give him a lot of credit for not milking it for more money. He certainly could have. Plus, he's giving away free eBook copies of "Sloppy Seconds", his book of stories that didn't quite make the cut. Thank you, Tucker!
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