Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fall to Pieces; Nerd Do Well; My Wilder Life

Okay, so a couple of weeks ago I was complaining about Scott Weiland's pseudo-autobiography, and decided to read his ex-wife's to see how it compared. Mary Forsberg Weiland's "Fall to Pieces" was very good, honest and illuminating. While I don't agree with the whole "addiction is a disease" theory I can totally understand that people with mental imbalances like bipolar disorder, which both Mary and Scott suffer from, are more susceptible to addictions. She and Scott went down a crazy path together, but in the end I still found myself envying her because she met a man, fell in love, and *knew* they were going to end up together, and lo and behold they did. It never quite works out the same way for me and I don't think it's fair. But enough whining down that road.
Simon Pegg is a funny guy, and his book "Nerd Do Well" was pretty amusing but I thought he spent way too much time talking about his childhood as opposed to his adult years. Plus, he's way into "Star Wars", and I've never seen any of them, so I was a bit lost at times. Still, it was quirky and original, exactly what I expected from Pegg.
I think if Wendy McClure and I ever met in real life we could be great friends. Reading her book was like reading about my own mind. "My Wilder Life" chronicles her love of Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House" series and how she wanted to go and visit all the places where Laura lived. I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THAT TOO!!! And she talked about how as a kid she always imagined Laura as a real friend that through the miracle of time travel she would show around the modern world. I DID THAT TOO!!! I found myself gasping a lot while reading it, going "oh, wow, I'm not the *only* one who thinks that way?! Awesome!". It was a great read, highly enjoyable, plus I learned about this awesome blog which is going to keep me entertained for quite a while. Win!

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