Saturday, May 20, 2017

Axeman of New Orleans

I watched "American Horror Story: Coven" a few years ago, and they mentioned the famous Axeman of New Orleans (side note: I miss Jessica Lange something fierce). I was intrigued, I had never heard of this guy. Unfortunately there aren't very many books about him, at least none that my local libraries owned, so when I saw this one was coming out I was excited to get my hands on it. It was interesting, if not really so much about the axeman, but rather crimes that were attributed to him that he probably didn't commit. It's incredibly difficult, 100 some years later, to try to piece together what might have happened, especially considering the axeman's targets were Italian grocers who didn't speak English very well. Eyewitness accounts were all over the map as to what he looked like (they couldn't even agree if he was black or white). He was pretty bold: he'd use the grocers' own axes to attack them.

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