Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Royal Bastards; The Leadership Challenge

"Royal Bastards" by Andrew Shvarts reminded me of "Game of Thrones" for the YA set, but I liked it. Tilla is the bastard daughter of Lord Kent, who rules the Western Provinces for the King. Princess Lyriana comes to visit, and Lord Kent puts his plan to start another Great War into action by murdering her uncle, the King's brother. Unfortunately Tilla and a group of her friends, including the Princess, witness the act and go on the run for their lives. It was very gripping, I enjoyed it.
I read "The Leadership Challenge" for work, but it was quite good, they had lots of great tips on how to be a better leader. Leadership is something you have to practice, you aren't just born with it, and anyone with the drive and desire to be a good leader can do so. I wrote down a whole bunch of things I want to remember and pinned them up all over the board by my desk :)

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