Friday, December 20, 2019


Diana Gabaldon's third Outlander book, "Voyager", was pretty good (so glad the Jacobite rebellion stuff is over and done with--I don't know why it bored me so much). Roger Wakefield helps Claire track Jamie's whereabouts after Culloden. There's a possibility that Claire could go through the stones again and find him. It would mean leaving their daughter, Brianna, behind in 1968, but Claire has to take that chance. She does make the trip back in time to the 1760s successfully, and even finds Jamie with very little effort. But of course that's where the easy part ends. For many reasons, the Frasers are again forced to flee Scotland, this time bound for the West Indies. It was very exciting, and a lot of it takes place on the sea, and since I started sailing last year I actually understand what all the nautical terms mean, so that was nice.

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