Monday, November 16, 2020

Drums of Autumn


But seriously, I need to read my library books, now that they're coming in.

I reread the fourth Outlander book, "Drums of Autumn" by Diana Gabaldon. Jamie and Claire are in America, homesteading. Back in 1971, Brianna and Roger both find Jamie and Claire's death notice separately. Roger doesn't want to tell Brianna because he's afraid she'll go through the stones to warn them, Brianna doesn't want to tell Roger because she's afraid he'll try to stop her from going through the stones. 

Nothing good ever happens from keeping secrets, folks. That is 100% the moral of this book. So many bad things could have been avoided if everyone had been honest with everyone else. Seriously. 

So Brianna goes through the stones, Roger finds out and follows her. Lots of fun scenes with Brianna at Lollybrach and Brianna meeting Jamie and later Lord John Grey, who is the best (as an aside, I've typed his name so many times in texts that my app automatically fills it in when I type "Lord". So there's that). I do think I'm going to have to put a pause on rereading the rest of the series, though, as I have a bunch of library books I want to get through. 

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