Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 Volume 1: The Spread of Their Evil


Season 11 of Buffy! Almost done. I'm actually kind of sad about that. Not that there aren't hundreds of comics out there in the Buffyverse, but I've (for the most part) really enjoyed these. 

The artwork was definitely better in this one than some of the previous ones. Or my standards have slipped.

Things are good in Buffy's world. Xander and Dawn are in a good place, Willow is teaching a coven, Giles is getting used to being an adolescent, and Spike and Buffy are happy (I'm not crying, it's just dusty in here). Then one night a Chinese water dragon demon causes a tsunami to hit San Francisco and lots of people are killed. The government pins the blame on supernaturals of all types and regular folks are scared of their powers. At first the government just wants to "register" all the supernatural beings, then they decide to round them up and put them into "safe zones" (basically internment camps). Now here's where things got a bit sticky for me. Buffy is completely against the idea, even though she's technically a VAMPIRE SLAYER. I know Spike isn't evil anymore because he has a soul, but wouldn't she be happy to see the rest of them rounded up and contained so they aren't out killing innocent folks? She makes a speech about how she realizes the world isn't completely black and white, and good for her for finally realizing that (couldn't have figured that out in season 6, hun?), but it still felt super weird to me for her to be arguing for vampires and demons to be allowed to roam wild and free. 

At any rate, Willow as a witch and Spike as a vampire are forced into a safe zone and Buffy insists on going with them, even though Slayers are exempt. As you can imagine, things in the safe zone are not great. They're basically starving the vampires by handing out puny rations. Buffy insists Spike feed off her to keep from starving, and he does, very reluctantly. He doesn't want to weaken her, since she's the Slayer she has a target pinned to her back and obviously he can't be at her side all day long to help protect her (although there are several times where he goes out in the day wearing a hoodie and I'm not going to lie, it's a good look. I'm sorry they never put him in a hoodie on the show). She ends up becoming a guard in order to procure extra rations for him. 

Can I just say how much I love Buffy doing anything and everything to help Spike? It's literally the sweetest thing. There were a lot of sweet moments between them in this volume. 

At any rate, work crews are building something big and Buffy is trying to figure out what, as well as a way to get them all out of the safe zone. 

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