Thursday, September 20, 2007

Readings on William Faulkner

Last night I finished reading "Readings on William Faulkner", part of the Greenhaven Press Literary series on American authors. Different writers and critics contributed articles on Faulkner's work. I'm a huge Faulkner fan, so I'll read anything about him and his work. This was a great collection. There was even one critic who had a sympathetic view of Jason Compson from "The Sound and the Fury". I thought I was the only one in the whole world who liked Jason! All the other critics I've read and teachers I've had who have discussed this book have characterized Jason as the villain of the book. (I believe the real villain, if there is one, is Mrs. Compson--look what she did to her kids!) The only bad thing about reading something like this is now I want to go back and reread all of Faulkner's books, and I just don't have time right now. Ah, well, later.

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