Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Billy the Kid; Touch of Dead

"Billy the Kid" by Michael Wallis presented the facts, scarce as they are, about the man who came to be known as Billy the Kid, Henry McCarty, later Henry Antrim. Over the years there has been so much speculation and so many mangled facts about the Kid that Wallis set forth to debunk, and he did a good job, not only of explaining about the Kid but really painting a vivid picture of what life was like during that time. I will never, ever believe that Pat Garrett shot and killed him at Pete Maxwell's ranch, though. I'm much happier believing he lived a long life, hidden in plain sight :-)
"Touch of Dead" by Charlaine Harris had a bunch of short stories featuring Sookie Stackhouse, her telepathic waitress. I enjoyed them, and I'm not normally a big short story person. It was just a fun, light, quick read that filled in some backstory to some of the books.

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