Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Last Kind Words Saloon

Oh, Larry. How I miss the Larry McMurtry of "Lonesome Dove" and "Texasville". Even the Berrybender series wasn't *too* bad. Not great, but not bad. "The Last Kind Words Saloon", however...sigh. I can't bring myself to say anything bad about McMurtry, because I love so many of his books so much and they've brought me so many hours of pure pleasure, I can forgive him even tepid books like this one. I still remember the day I bought "Comanche Moon", and sitting there in the car, I couldn't even wait to get it home, just opened it up and saw Call and Gus's names there on the page and felt like the world was absolutely perfect at that moment. I read it, devoured it really, then turned around and read it all over again. "It may be over, but it wasn't fun" -- Captain Woodrow F. Call, the last words he spoke in that book. How I cried! How I laughed! I'm being melodramatic, I know, but I sincerely did! Before I started working and going to college, I used to reread "Lonesome Dove" once or twice a year. I miss having the time to do that.

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