Thursday, April 30, 2020

Charity Girl

I think I'm burnt on Regency Romance, I didn't really love this one, and normally I love Georgette Heyer. The story was good: Viscount Ashley Desford finds himself in a pickle when a young girl named Charity runs away from her aunt's house and Des runs across her struggling to walk to London. Being a gentleman, he picks her up and tries to talk her into going home, but she won't. Her aunt has been very brutal to her, so she's trying to track down her grandfather in the hopes he'll take her in. Des takes her to her grandfather's London home, only to find it's been locked up for the summer. Having no other option, he imposes upon his dear friend Henrietta. Henrietta is a good sport and agrees to look after "Cherry" (as she prefers to be called) while Des tracks down her grandfather. The majority of the book was poor Desford going all over hell's half acre, trying to find someone decent to look after the girl. There was just too much of the Regency era slang for my taste, I normally love it, but this felt overboard. Oh well. Time for something new. Of course I picked up a Trixie Belden the other day and I've been rereading that, so we know how this is going to go :)

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