Monday, August 17, 2020

Only In Your Dreams; Apropos of Nothing; Midnight Sun

Okay, book 9! Dan starts dating a fitness buff named Bree that he meets while working part time at a bookstore during the summer before college. Vanessa is hired to work on Ken Mogul's new movie, but is fired after the first day and becomes a nanny to two little boys. Serena is almost fired from the same movie, but Blair helps her find her voice (Blair, being altruistic?! Uh oh. I'm nervous now). Nate's still bumbling his stoned way through life.
I got utterly and thoroughly sick of the Gossip Girl books (and the show, but that's another story). Since I had library books with due dates and holds, I decided to get through one. I'm a big Woody Allen fan, always have been. I like his quirky sense of humor. It's unfortunate that he had to devote so much of the book to defending himself, but I thought he did it in a very respectful way. He was nicer than I would have been, at any rate. He's led an interesting life.
And finally, "Midnight Sun" by Stephenie Meyer. A book many of us have been waiting for for a long, long time. Whenever I bring up "Twilight" at work, one of my librarian colleagues is very smug about how "proud" she is that her twenty-something daughter never got into them. Well, good for her, I guess. I'm not a book snob. Is "Twilight" great literature? No, of course not. But it's fun and I like it so there :)
"Midnight Sun" is "Twilight" told from Edward's POV rather than Bella's. So, basically, fan fiction. It was fun though and I enjoyed it. The best part was when Edward and his family are racing to the ballet studio in Phoenix to save Bella from James, and they have to steal a couple of different fast cars and cause a gigantic pile up on the freeway. Given how much Meyer loves cars, I'm sure she enjoyed writing that sequence, you could tell.
And I don't care what you read, so long as you read! I might not read it, but if you do and you love it, that's okay by me.

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