Monday, July 29, 2024

Prairie Man


Not only did I love the "Little House" books as a kid (they're honestly the first books I remember ever reading), I loved the TV show. I'm a little too young to remember when it was brand new, but I watched the reruns (there are so few things I can say I was too young for, so I enjoy it when I can). Who didn't love Almanzo? Blond, blue eyed, tall, good with horses. Seemed like a genuinely nice guy. 

Turns out Dean Butler is like that in real life, too. Or at least he claims to be, but I believe him. He seemed very sincere. 

I had to find an old episode of "The New Gidget" online to see it. I vaguely remembered watching it as a kid. My gosh, it was so 80s it was almost painful. But it was fun. He's done a lot of work behind the camera over the years. It was a nice, quick, nostalgic read. 

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