Friday, July 19, 2024

Ultimate 70s Collection


I normally love these sort of books that collect information about events and popular culture during a past decade. I would have loved this one more if I'd been able to read it. Seriously, between the -0.5 font and printing black text on a navy background, I found myself squinting, using flashlights, and a magnifying glass on some text before I just gave up in defeat. The entire six page spread on Atari was black text on a dark brown background. I wonder if anyone who put the book together realizes that people who remember the 70s are in their fifties and forties now? Increase the font and try to make it as readable as possible. Good grief. 

That being said, the parts I could read (black text on white backgrounds) were very interesting. I remembered some things, but not everything, and it brought back a lot of fond memories. 

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