Friday, April 18, 2008

Dearly Devoted Dexter

So, the second Jeff Lindsay book in the Dexter series was hilarious! A crazy butcher is on the loose in Miami: he cuts off pieces of his victims but leaves them alive (if you want to call the state they are left in "alive"). A shadowy guy from Washington named Kyle comes in to take over the case, first infuriating Deb, until she falls for him. Unfortunately, he is kidnapped by the butcher (who they call "Dr. Danco") and his finger with his diamond pinkie ring is mailed back to her as a warning. Dexter takes the finger into the crime lab, but hangs onto the ring, thinking Deb might want it. Then, in a hilarious mix-up, his girlfriend, Rita, finds the ring and thinks he was planning on proposing! Can you imagine? Dexter, married? Oh, that crazy guy. It was a lot of fun, and I can't wait to get my hands on the third one. It might be tricky. My library does own one copy, but there is a bit of a wait for it. I would go buy it, but it came out in hardcover last September and hasn't been released in paperback yet, so all the hardcovers are gone by now. I might have to order a used copy online or something. We'll see. I read a preview of the first two chapters online and it's just too good to wait for it!

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