Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I finally finished reading Roberto Bolano's "2666". It took forever. And, typically, I was left wondering why it's gotten such great reviews. Before Bolano died, he wanted the book published as five separate novels, and I can understand why. First off, it was long, almost 900 pages (although I've read other, longer novels that were just fine that way). Secondly, it really was like reading 5 different books. In the end they all tied together (which was nice) but by then I had given up caring and just wanted the book to end. One whole section, I think it was part 4, was just a catalog of murdered women: he described how their bodies were found and if they were ever identified. It was 200 pages of this. Absolutely useless information that didn't move the plot forward at all. Very disappointing.

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