Friday, January 27, 2017

The Academy

I haven't read anything by Bentley Little in a few years, and we got a bunch of his paperbacks at work recently, so I checked this one out. Bentley is all about gore, sex, violence, and generally grossing you out, and this book was true to form. It actually reminded me of an earlier book of his, "The University", about a college. This was pretty similar: a high school in a fictional Orange County, CA town votes to leave the district and become a charter school. Then weird things start happening: the principal is drunk with power, half the students are terrified and the other half are eagerly participating in the "Scouts", which sounds a lot like Hitler Youth. The thing I found so funny was their names: for kids who were supposedly born in the 1990s (the book was first published in 2008), they had names like Ed, Brad, Cheryl, Richard. Not really popular names at the time. That's okay, it was still gross, gory fun.

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