Thursday, May 23, 2019

Suspicious Minds

I'm a big fan of "Stranger Things" on Netflix, in fact, I started reading this book and ended up spending last weekend re-watching the show. The book itself was actually sort of meh. It tells the story of Terry Ives, who is Eleven's biological mother. Terry's roommate is taking part in a weird government test and it's creeping her out, so she decides not to do it anymore. Terry thinks she's silly and goes in her place; after all, it pays good money. Terry and four others meet Dr. Brenner and are put through a series of strange experiments that mostly involve taking acid or being shocked with electricity. The book never really explains how taking acid made Terry's baby telekinetic (not that it could, but you know, she didn't even *try* to make the connection). Terry finds out she is pregnant and wants to leave the experiment, but Dr. Brenner won't let her and actually induces her labor and steals the baby from her. It really didn't do anything for me.

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