Friday, June 28, 2019

Lust Killer

I recently watched "Mindhunter" on Netflix, and one of the killers the main characters interviewed was Jerry Brudos, who murdered four young women in Oregon in the late 1960s. Brudos was an odd one, a married man with two young kids and a shoe fetish that started when he was five. The cops caught him making phone calls to sorority houses, trying to get someone to meet him for a date. Shockingly, this ploy actually worked a few times. Brudos confessed to the killings in great detail and the police found all sorts of gory evidence at his house. His poor wife was humiliated and vilified, she actually had to stand trial herself when she was accused of being his accomplice. Brudos pleaded guilty, saving the taxpayers the cost of a trial at least. His wife changed her name and never saw him again. It was a quick read (my copy was large print, so that helped).

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