Wednesday, July 17, 2019

50 Things That Aren't My Fault

I grew up reading the "Cathy" comic strip, I was obsessed with it in grade school and junior high, and bought all the books and read them over and over. I could totally identify with Cathy: even at 11, I hated my own body in a bathing suit (which, I just realized, is super sad. Oh well). Cathy stopped writing her iconic comics in order to focus on her daughter. I enjoyed her book of essays very much. I was expecting to laugh a lot (which I did) but I also cried, too. She talks a lot about taking care of her parents, who were in their nineties (her father passed, I don't know if her mother is still alive, she didn't say), and a lot of the things she's dealing with I am too with my own parents, who are a little younger but definitely getting to that stage in life. I don't have a college aged daughter to worry about, but I can empathize. It was touching and real and exactly what I needed right now :)

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