Thursday, February 19, 2009

Big Rich; My Horizontal Life

"The Big Rich" by Bryan Burrough looked at the four men who epitomized the idea of Texas rich--the extravagances and excesses that led to such books as Edna Ferber's "Giant" (which I highly recommend). This is the Texas I fell in love with all those years ago. This is also the story of a Texas that unfortunately no longer exists (otherwise I'd be there right now instead of here). It was a lot of fun reading about how over the top these guys were (at one point, one of the Hunts owned something like 25% of the world's silver!).
"My Horizontal Life" by Chelsea Handler is her first book, and like "Are You There Vodka, It's Me, Chelsea", was absolutely hilarious. She reminds me of a female Tucker Max. It's hard for me to even pick which one of her stories was my favorite, they were all so good.

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