Friday, January 6, 2012

Let's Talk; You Don't Sweat Much for a Fat Girl

Ah, Evan Hunter. Or, Ed McBain. He died in 2005 of cancer, after having his larynx removed. "Let's Talk" was his memoir of finding out he had cancer and his operation, and learning to live without a voice. It was published just two months before he died, and was so bittersweet, since he's so hopeful in the book. He said he wanted to live another 15 years, until he was 93. I wish he would have made it. I still miss the 87th precinct novels something fierce. Rest in peace, sir.
Celia Rivenbark is a humorist. I've always wanted to read one of her books because they have very funny titles, like "You Don't Sweat Much for a Fat Girl". It was funny enough, and I enjoyed it, but I don't like political humor. I'm not amused being made to feel as if I'm sitting in the DNC.

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