Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Borden Murders

While reading "Caroline", I saw Sarah Miller had written a book about the Lizzie Borden case. I finished reading it and saw on the back cover that it is considered a children's (well, grades 7 and up) book, which surprised me a bit. Not sure why it surprised me, since I was twelve when I first read "Helter Skelter", so it's not like kids that young can't be interested in true crime. I guess it's just that when I was a teen, they didn't write true crimes books specifically for my age range (at least none that I knew about). It was well written, just no new information for me, because I've read literally everything I can get my hands on about the case. I also got to visit the Borden house back in 2011, I think. I have pictures somewhere :) It's just one of those cases that fascinates me, since we won't ever know who really did it.

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