Monday, November 30, 2009


Despite the fact that I have stacks and stacks of books that I haven't read yet, and I'm sure some of them are really wonderful, I had to reread Stephen King's "IT". I've wanted to reread it for awhile now, ever since before Halloween, when I was trying to convince a coworker how much better the book is than that travesty of a movie they made based so very, very loosely on SK's brilliance. At any rate, I thoroughly enjoyed rereading it. I love his storytelling technique: he's not telling, he's showing. Reading "IT" makes me feel like I'm right there, in the middle of the action with the seven kids and six adults that make up the Loser's Club in the Barrens. And the book's evil monster is so much scarier than just a clown: that was only one of ITs many faces. Every little detail adds so much to the story and I think that's why SK is so popular. No one else tells a story quite as well as he does.

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