Monday, March 22, 2010

The Walking Dead Book 3

Continuing the story of the survivors of the zombie apocalypse, Robert Kirkman's third installment finds the group safely ensconced in a prison. When they witness a helicopter crash, a group of them go to see if there are any survivors they can help. Turns out there's another group nearby, led by a sadistic man, who kidnaps the rescue party and tortures and maims them before they are able to escape. Back at the prison, they determine they must fortify their position so they can be ready for the inevitable attack coming from the other group. Well, surviving an apocalypse tends to either bring out the best or the worst in people, and it was nice to see this dichotomy. It was also a nice change from the second book in the series, which seemed to focus more on the relationships forming between the last remaining members of society. It was good to get back on track and realize what's important--surviving and taking out as many zombies as you can.

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