Saturday, March 6, 2010

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

So Seth Grahame-Smith, author of the hilarious mash-up "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" is back with a fictionalized account of the life of one of our greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln. I really enjoyed this book up until the last three pages: I thought it was clever and funny and that if Abe Lincoln were around today to read it he might get a kick out of it (although I did catch an error--he killed off a character who was then back twenty pages later. Hello, editor? WTH?). The ending totally killed it for me. Just like that, dead. I read the last bit and wanted to toss the book across the room, preferably through something, like my sliding glass doors. I restrained myself, because it's a library book. It's unfortunate, because it really was a very interesting spin on Lincoln's life and what motivated him to get so deeply involved in the abolitionist movement. It even seemed remotely plausible, unlike Jane Austen's heroines killing zombies.

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