Saturday, November 24, 2007

Trixie Belden and the Indian Burial Ground Mystery; Trixie Belden and the Mystery of the Galloping Ghost

Friday night and early this morning I read the last two Trixie Belden mysteries by Kathryn Kenny that I hadn't yet read. I read most of them when I was a kid, and I reread my favorites all the time. In the mid-eighties, Kenny wrote 5 more (originally she had stopped at 34), and I had trouble getting a hold of these because they are out of print and not that many were published. The Indian Burial ground has Trixie and her best friend, Honey, working on an archaeological dig on the Wheeler's estate, only it turns out that the professor in charge of the dig is really a thief who is after the Wheeler's valuable Renoir. The Galloping Ghost finds Trixie and Honey spending two weeks on a ranch in Minnesota, solving the mystery of a man who was wrongly accused of stealing and hanged a hundred years earlier.

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